College Women's Association of Japan
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2024 December Board Meeting Highlights 

Thirty elected and appointed officers from 2024 and 2025 board attended the Joint Board Meeting in person. Eleven joined on line.

The agenda provided an opportunity to review last year’s progress towards the goals to increase membership, increase brand recognition, increase the number of in person meetings and lighten the administrative responsibilities for the volunteers.  

–Junko Hiyashima, Treasure, provided an update on the financial status of CWAJ.

-Yoko Moskowitz reported on the the status of the Service Grant Japan and the plan to receive a final report in mid- December. She also reported that the Membership Working Group was formed this past year and will continue its charge to undertake initiatives to assist with recruitment and stewardship.  Joanna Chinen, Parliamentarian, provided an overview of SP&P and explained the importance of this document of running CWAJ.  Momo Kamimura, Director of Communications, explained recent efforts to make it easier for members to find information about upcoming events:  The website, the Wild Apricot App on members’ i-phones, the At a Glance in the e-news and the Google Calendar on the members only webpage.

The rest of the meeting was a report by each Director on their biggest accomplishments for the year and advice for the next.

This was a hybrid meeting, facilitated by Momo Kamimura and Kristen Hughes.  Their support was much appreciated.

The meeting concluded with a tremendous round of applause for the efforts made in 2024 to achieve CWAJ’s overall goal to provide scholarships to 6 women, provide community service to the visually impaired and promote intercultural exchange..
