2025 CWAJ Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan (NJG) Scholarship Eligibility, Timeline and Other Information

An Application ID Number is required to submit your scholarship application and your letters of reference.

Please check that you satisfy all of the following criteria for eligibility for this scholarship:


Eligibility Requirements (2025)

To be eligible, an Applicant must:

    • Identify as a woman.
    • Be a non-Japanese national who does not have permanent residency in Japan.
    • Will be enrolled in a PhD degree program in a graduate school of a Japanese university during the entire scholarship period of April 2025 to March 2026.
    • Live in Japan from the time of application until the end of April 2025.
    • Did not have any education in Japan prior to a bachelor’s degree (not including short-term language study).
    • Will not hold scholarships greater than ¥1.5 million from any other scholarship program for the duration of the CWAJ Scholarship. Financial aid and awards from the university where the applicant will study may not be subject to this limitation.
    • Has not received a CWAJ award in the past, and is not a CWAJ Member.

The following are ineligible:

    • Individuals currently studying or working abroad are ineligible. Applicants are required to be residing in Japan at the time of their application.
    • Former recipients of CWAJ awards and members of CWAJ are not eligible.

Scholarship Timeline

From July 2024 
Registration for Application ID Number on website (Form A). Links to the other Application Forms will be available after registering for an Application ID Number.

Deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024, 23:59 JST
Application with required documents (Form B) and letters of references (2 x Form C) must be submitted online by the deadline.

February 2025
Interviews: usually held on a weekend

March 2025
Notification of recipients

May 2025
Event Announcing CWAJ 2025 Scholarships 


Application Details

You will be required to submit: an application essay, your education transcripts (including PhD transcript if you have started your PhD work), two letters of recommendations, a copy of your Japanese residence card, and a ¥2,000 application processing fee. All materials are to be submitted in English. All personal material will be deleted at the end of the scholarship process.

Finalists will be interviewed online or in person in Tokyo. Candidates should plan to be available during the month when interviews are being held (likely February) and will be notified at least two weeks in advance if they have been selected for an interview. Applicants will be notified of the results by email.


Please note that CWAJ is an all-volunteer organization, and communicates by email only. Telephone inquiries will NOT be accepted.

CWAJ reserves the right to make its own selections and does not discuss any of its decisions.