January General Meeting – Speaker: Chizuko Ueno
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Venue: Over Zoom
Topic: COVID-19 Impact on Gender Equality in Japan
Speaker: Ms. Chizuko Ueno
Fee: Free. (Though your support is always welcome)
Sign-up: RSVP by noon Monday, 18 January 2021

Let’s kick off 2021 together at our first General Meeting of the New Year!
Women around the world struggle for equality, Japan is no exception. The global ranking of Japan’s Gender Gap Index (GGI) is going lower and lower year-by-year. In 2019 Japan was ranked near the bottom of the list of 188 countries. Chizuko Ueno is working to change the status of women in Japan. She is president of the Women’s Action Network, a non-profit organization focused on supporting women. Ueno-san will talk about the structural background and the historical path that has kept Japanese women confined to a lower status, who is responsible for this situation and how we might better move forward towards positive and lasting change.
Speaker Profile:
Chizuko Ueno is Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo and president of the non-profit organization, Women’s Action Network ( https://wan.or.jp ). A sociologist and prominent feminist figure, she is an influential social critic, a prolific author of books and articles and a high-profile intellectual in Japan. In 1994, one of her many-acclaimed books, “Kindai Kazoku no Seiritsu to Shuen” (“The Rise and Fall of the Modern Family”), won the coveted Suntory Academic Award. She has also published “The Modern Family in Japan: Its Rise and Fall” (2009) and “Nationalism and Gender” (2004) in English. Ueno-san is also the best-selling author of “The Old Age of Single Women”. She was an Asahi Shimbun Award winner in 2012 for her contribution to feminism and women’s studies and received a Han Honor from the Finnish government in 2019. Ueno-san was selected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020.
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