2023年9月27日スピーカー:武蔵野美術大学教授 遠藤竜太(11:00-13:30 @東京アメリカンクラブ)
Creating Hanga Prints: the Rich Diversity by Professor Ryuta Endo, Musashino Art Univ.

Speaker: Ryuta Endo, Printmaker, Professor of Musashino Art University
Date: Wednesday, September 27
Time: Doors open at 10:30 am
GM Luncheon >> 11:00 am ~ 13:30*
Online Streaming >> 11:00 am ~ 12:10
*Lunch will be served after the presentation.
Venue: GM & Luncheon >>
Tokyo American Club
New York Ballroom, Manhattan 2. on B2 Floor.
Address: 2-1-2 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8649
Online Streaming >>
A Zoom link will be shared with attendees in the registration confirmation email and also in a reminder email on the day prior to the event.
*We ask for your kind understanding in advance of the unlikely possibility of the zoom streaming cancellation, in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Fee: GM Luncheon >>
Members 7,000 yen / Guests 8,000 yen
Non-refundable after Sep.18th.
Online Streaming >>
If you reside in Japan:
CWAJ charges a ¥1,000 non-refundable Zoom fee for hybrid meetings.
Kindly remit your payment by Sep 25th.
This fee helps to cover virtual operation costs for CWAJ hybrid meetings, including IT support.
If you reside overseas: no payment is required.
GM & Luncheon >> By September 12th
Online/Streaming >> By September 25th
Japanese print (hanga) artists of the 1960s and 1970s, such as AY-O, IKEDA Masuo, and YAYANAGI Go, who also worked overseas, did not adhere to the established ideas about printmaking and created prints using more organic and unorthodox methods. Printmaking departments at Japanese universities traditionally taught students the entire process of creating prints, from carving to printing, but more recently, there has been an increasing number of young people who aim to express themselves in diverse ways that do not fit into the conventional mold of printmaking. Musashino Art University has even leaned into this trend, providing students with a more flexible learning environment. For instance, starting this year, the university decided to change the name of the “print (hanga)” major to “graphic arts.”
It is still fresh in our memory that last year, Prof. Endo’s work being in blue-VIII was selected by Shincho Library for a new cover of Kawabata Yasunari’s “Shonen (Boy).”
Ryuta Endo BIO
1960 Born in Yamanashi, Japan
1986 Finished Master’s Program at Tama Art University, Japan
2003- Professor at Musashino Art University, Japan
1986 16th International Art Exhibition, Japan (Tokyo biennial-The Bridgestone Museum Prize)
1987 55th Exhibition of the Japan print Association (2nd Prize), Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
1988 10th Japan Emba Art Competition (The New Artist Prize) Hyogo, Japan
1993 International Biennial of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1997 International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Art, GYOR, Hungary ( Honorable Mention )
2000 Intergrafia 2000 Katowice, World Winners Gallery, Poland
2007 Show Me Thai , Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
2012 Chairperson of “Prints Tokyo2012”, Japan
2015 TRANSITIONS 2015, China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, China
2018 International Lithography Days, Münchner Künstlerhaus, Munich, Germany
2019 International Invitational Lithography Exhibition, Shanghai Academy of Fine Art, China
2021 Mirror Inflection, The Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai、China
2022 1st International Print Online Exhibition 2022,(awarded the Prize)Silpakorn University. Thailand
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