December General Meeting – A Magical Holiday Celebration with Flamenco

Date: December 6, Wednesday
Time: 11:00  Doors open at 10:30 
Performers: Sato Hiroki & ARTE Y SOLERA (
GM Luncheon: 11:00 to 13:30 *Lunch will be served after the presentation.
Online Streaming: 11:00 to 12:10
Venue: GM & Luncheon: The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan
Address: Marunouchi Nijubashi Building 5F, Marunouchi 3-2-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005


We are very excited to announce that the acclaimed flamenco dancer and choreographer, Sato Hiroki,  will be our guest performer for the upcoming December General Meeting. He will bring some members of his company Arte y Solera and perform live flamenco at the FCCJ.

Sato and Arte y Solera have been actively performing both in Japan and abroad. They have just come back from Toledo, Spain, where they were invited to perform at the prestigious Teatro Rioja.
Please join us to celebrate the start of the holiday season with inspiring flamenco dance and music. 

Sato Hiroki Profile
Sato began studying flamenco under Mayumi Kagita in 1992. He was awarded the Suzuko Kawakami Spanish Dance New Artist Award in 1996. He performed in Flamenco Sonezaki Shinju, produced by Yoko Aki and directed by Ryudo Uzaki, and won the Agency for Cultural Affairs (ACA) National Arts Festival Excellence Award.
In 2004, he participated in the internationally renowned Jerez Flamenco Festival as the first dancer from outside Spain. In the same year, he received the ACA National Arts Festival Grand Prize for his performance in Artey Solera Delight. In 2006, he was selected as one of Newsweek Japan’s “100 Japanese People the World Respects.” In recent years, he choreographed and starred in the Kabuki play Goemon directed by Ainosuke Kataoka, Goya featuring Tsubasa Imai, among others. He also choreographed Taisuke Fujigaya’s Don Juan and Dance Olympia for Takarazuka’s Flower Troupe, to name a few. In 2018, Ay Sonezaki Shinju was honored by the presence of their Majesties, the Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emerita.
Sato runs a flamenco dance company “Arte y Solera” with Mayumi Kagita. He also offers workshops and performances for people with disabilities. 11


Online Streaming : A Zoom link will be shared with attendees in the registration confirmation email and also in a reminder email on the day prior to the event.
*We ask for your kind understanding in advance of the unlikely possibility of Zoom streaming cancellation, in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 
FeeGM Luncheon: Members 7,000 yen / Guests 8,000 yen
Non-refundable after November 27
Online Streaming Fee: If you reside in Japan: CWAJ charges a 1,000 yen non-refundable Zoom fee for hybrid meetings. 
Kindly remit your payment by December 4, via the payment link that will be sent to your email upon registering for this event.
This fee helps to cover virtual operation costs for CWAJ hybrid meetings, including IT support.
If you reside overseas: no payment is required. 

RSVP: GM & Luncheon: By November 27;   Online/Streaming:  By December 4


CWAJ Members:  If you are a member of CWAJ, please go to the member site.


Non-members:  If you are not a member of CWAJ, please contact below.
