Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 JST
Venue: Over Zoom
Topic: News in the Age of the Internet
Speaker: Robin Harding, Tokyo Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Fee: Free. (Though you may choose to pay an Optional Attendance Fee. CWAJ is a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit organization. Our work is fueled by kind contributions. Please consider offering an attendance fee, no matter how small)
Sign-up: RSVP by noon Monday, April 12, 2021

Twenty years ago, the media was a cosy club of newspapers, radio and television: they took different political positions but usually agreed on the facts. Today people get their news from a host of different sources, especially social media, and the so-called mainstream media must wrestle with fake news, political polarisation, cancel culture and the collapse of their traditional business model. This talk will look at the historical precedents for some of these phenomena and ask how you, the audience, would handle the challenges facing reporters and editors today.
Speaker Profiles
Robin Harding is Tokyo Bureau chief for the Financial Times. Established in 1888, the FT is one of the world’s leading news organisations, especially for economic and financial news. The FT is recognized internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. It is part of Nikkei Inc., which provides a broad range of information, news and services for the global business community. In his current role, Harding’s reporting focuses on Japan’s economy, politics and international relations.
Robin was the FT’s US economics editor from 2010-2014, based in Washington DC, where he covered all aspects of the US and international economy, from the Federal Reserve to the IMF. He has also worked as a member of the FT’s editorial board and contributes occasional columns on economics to the paper’s opinion page. Robin was born in Durham, in the north of England, and has a degree in economics from the University of Cambridge. From 2001 to 2004, studied at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo on a Monbukagakusho Scholarship, where he received a master’s degree. Before becoming a journalist, he worked in banking, asset management and public policy research.
Michiyo Nakamoto and Caroline Olcott – 2021 General Meeting Program Coordinators
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