Dear CWAJ members,
Spring is here and I hope you are enjoying the special, treasured sakura!
As President, I continue to look out for progress on our five goals for the year: raise 13 million for Scholarship in 2026, increase membership, increase brand recognition, increase in-person get-togethers, and reduce the administrative load for volunteers. Here is a brief update on three areas of progress.
CWAJ members often tell me they miss the General Meeting luncheons we used to hold every month. Unfortunately, times have changed and the cost of renting venues has gone up significantly. One solution is to meet for coffee instead of lunch. Please consider joining us for coffee at Roppongi Hills Community Hall. The speaker will be presented by Zoom on a full-room screen and afterwards, there will be time to socialize. Attendance by Zoom will still be possible. Either way registration is required. I hope to see you there! | |
This very special, award-winning movie on April 19 comes to us courtesy of the VVI 50th Anniversary Committee. It is open to the public and provides a very effective way to showcase CWAJ’s community service. Please plan to attend and use this flyer to introduce CWAJ to others not familiar with CWAJ. Once friends and colleagues receive the flyer, even if they do not attend, you will have spread the word about the good work of CWAJ! Thank you! | |
The Board voted to allocate 14 million Japanese yen next year for CWAJ Scholarships. Many thanks to members in Japan and abroad for donating almost 10 million yen. And to the Print Show Committee whose efforts yielded net proceeds of 8 million Japanese yen. |
More updates will follow next month. In the meantime, I hope you get to see many, many cherry blossoms this spring!
Heidi Sweetnam