February VVI Meeting

Teaching English at JVDCB
Do you speak English? Then you can teach English!  That is, you can help visually-impaired adults build up their English skills as they retrain for jobs at the Japan Vocational Development Center for the Blind and Low-Vision (JVDCB) in Yotsuya. Classes are taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 13:00 to 14:30. Please consider joining our group. For information, contact Vicky Muehleisen at vicky@waseda.jp or Kozue Handa at khanda@nifty.com.

English Conversation Partners (ECP)
ECP, for high school students at the Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired University of Tsukuba, is a program where native English speakers are paired up with an interested student. The requirement is the willingness to chat with a student once or twice per month for about 30 to 40 minutes, via Zoom or phone. If you are interested,  please contact Nancy Tsurumaki at nancytsurumaki@gmail.com

Co-chairs: Nancy Tsurumaki and Eri Nakase
Contact: volunteersvi@cwaj.org
