Kabuki for Students at National Theater: July 15, 2018

A FSC General Meeting will be held in September (maybe September 13 or 14).


May and June Meeting

There will be no events in May and June.


July: Kabuki for Students at National Theater

Date: July 15, Sunday

Venue: National Theater at Hanzomon 国立劇場

Twenty first-class seats are reserved for FSC students, CWAJ members, and family

Title of Play: Yamata-no-Orochi & Susanoo-no-mikoto”「八岐大蛇と素戔嗚尊」from Nihon Furisode Hajime「日本振袖始」 by Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松門左衛門

Cast: Iwanagahime/ Yamata-no-Orochi = Nakamura Tikizo
Inadahime = Bandoh Shingo
Susanoo-no mikoto = Nakamura Kinnosuke

Time Line: From 10:30 to 11:00: Doors open. Pick up your ticket at FSC desk at the entrance to the big hall
11:00: Curtain rises
11:00 to 11:30: Introduction of Kabuki
11:30 to 11:55: Intermission (25 minutes)
11:55 to 13:00: Kabuki performance (1 act)

Ticket: 1,500 yen (group ticket) must be sent by bank transfer to Mieko Kadota, FSC July Kabuki Coordinator
RSVP by: June 6, send a message to FStudentsCircle@cwaj.org

To confirm your reservation: 

Transfer 1,500 yen to the below bank account by June 30 (fee is non-refundable).
Bank account: Mizuho Bank Mizonokuchi branch (branch No: 388)
Savings account / account No: 2387517,
Name: Kadota Mieko (カドタ ミエコ)

For more information, please contact the FSC Co-chairs.
Co-chairs: Mieko Kadota and Saeko Sakurai FStudentsCircle@cwaj.org
