Scholarship Report

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Save the Date: Presentation of 2025 Scholars on May 28
Our 2025 Scholars have been selected! The presentation of the new CWAJ Scholars to the Membership in May is the highlight of the Scholarship year. The meeting on May 28 will be a hybrid one, and we encourage you to attend in person if you can. Watch for the invitation to the May General Meeting in your email inbox. We hope that meeting the Scholars will inspire you to be part of the Scholarship Committee, or donate in other ways to the CWAJ Scholarship efforts. (To be held at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Marunouchi.)

Selection Committees: A Big Thank You!
We are very grateful to Selection Committee Coordinators, committee members, and application translators, as well as the interviewers, interpreters, technical supporters, and hostesses who volunteered on the interview days. Working completely online now seems second nature to us, but only because of your dedicated support! 

Learn About Scholarship Day
On Wednesday, June 4, we will host a “Learn about Scholarship Day” at the CWAJ Center. We will talk about the history of Scholarship, how Scholarship is organized, and what volunteer opportunities are available. There will be members with officer experience who can talk about what’s involved in the positions and answer questions.  

All CWAJ members are welcome to join. If you want to know more about what the Scholarship Committee does and how it runs, or if you’re already participating in Scholarship and are wanting to take on a higher position, please come along. There is no obligation to be involved in future Scholarship activities.

If you’re interested in this event, please RSVP HERE.  

Director: Suz Wilkinson
Co-Chairs: Catherine Haskin and Yuka Watanabe

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