College Women's Association of Japan
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2025 SVI-SA Application Requirements

2025 Scholarship for the Visually Impaired to Study Abroad: Eligibility, Timeline and Other Information An Application ID Number is required to submit your scholarship application and your letters of reference. Please check that you satisfy all of the

2025 NJG Application Requirements

2025 CWAJ Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan (NJG) Scholarship Eligibility, Timeline and Other Information An Application ID Number is required to submit your scholarship application and your letters of reference. Please check that you satisfy all of

2025 SVI-SJ Application Requirements

SVI-SJ Scholarship Eligibility – Visually impaired women or men with a Certificate of Disability Grade 1-6. – Japanese citizen or Special Permanent Resident (特別永住者). – Living in Japan and will be living in Japan through the end of April

2025 SA Application Requirements

2025 CWAJ Study Abroad and Cartier Scholarship Eligibility, Timeline and Other Information   Both the CWAJ Graduate Scholarship and CWAJ Cartier Scholarship have the same eligibility requirements and are submitted in the same form. The recipient of CWAJ

Pat McDonald Scott’s Member Spotlight

As I begin writing, my desk is covered with orders for the 2021 CWAJ 64th Print Show catalogue. For 10 years, I have distributed the catalogues and products in the U.S.  You can take a woman out of Tokyo,