
Making a Better Future!

Across the globe, educated women are powerful agents of social change, transforming families and societies. CWAJ’s mission is to support higher education, nurturing future leaders who will contribute to a better world. 

Over the past seven decades, CWAJ has provided scholarships and grants to over 860 individuals from 48 countries for university study for women outside their home countries, visually impaired men and women from Japan, and more recently, the CWAJ Pandemic Response Scholarship for Nursing Students. CWAJ also provides encouragement to young print artists through its art awards. 

These scholarships are funded by individual and corporate donations and the proceeds from the CWAJ Print Show, an annual exhibition and sale of Japanese prints. CWAJ is a 100% volunteer organization and all donations, as well as the proceeds from the Print Show, go directly to CWAJ’s Scholarship and Education programs.

To make a donation:

Donations can be made by credit card or bank transfer. Please fill in the required information on the Donation Form. The donor’s name for the receipt, will be the same as used on the Donation Form.

  • By Credit Card
    * Square is used for credit card payment. Information entered will be encrypted for safety
    * All major credit cards except JCB, Diners Club and Discover
  • By Bank Transfer:
    MUFJ Bank Ltd., Meguro Branch 680, Savings Account No: 0259076, Ippan Shadan Hojin CWAJ

    銀行振込: 三菱UFJ銀行, 目黒支店(店番680),  普通0259076,  口座名:一般社団法人CWAJ

For inquiry, please contact here

CWAJ welcomes and appreciates donations of any amount throughout the year!

The following amounts will fully fund one scholarship and may be named by the donor (name of individual, corporate, or group):

* 3.5 million yen ➡ Japanese women to study at a graduate program abroad
* 2 million yen ➡ Non-Japanese women to study at a graduate program in Japan
* 2 million yen ➡ Japanese graduate students with a visual impairment to study abroad
* 1 million yen ➡ Japanese students with a visual impairment to study at university in Japan

  •  All donors’ names, and logos of corporate donors, will be listed on the CWAJ website: Our Donors – College Women’s Association of Japan ( All donors will be recognized in the Donor List accompanying next year’s CWAJ Annual Report.

  • In memoriam or celebratory messages can have special acknowledgement.

  • Donors of ¥30,000 and above will be invited to a Donors Only Print Show Preview and Sale. A complimentary gallery-quality 67th Print Show Catalogue is available to donors of ¥30,000 and above for those who would like a copy.

  • See how your donation benefits women and Japanese with a visual impairment! Donors will receive an invitation to the CWAJ May General Meeting to meet the newly selected scholars.

  • Donations through the Japan Foundation Designated Donation Program may be eligible for a tax deduction (Japan only). Donors can claim a tax deduction with receipts issued by the Japan Foundation, which will be mailed in December. For more information, please refer to


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