Current Scholars 2024

CWAJ is proud to present our 2024 Scholars


For scholar profiles PDF, please contact CWAJ Scholarship

Graduate Scholarship for Japanese Women to Study Abroad

CWAJ Cultural Exchange Graduate Scholarship
for Japanese Women to Study Abroad

3.0 million yen (Supported by the Japan Foundation)


Education: B.Ed., Faculty of Education, School Teachers’ Training Course, Teaching of English, Kyoto University of Education, Japan

Study Program: Master of TESOL, Curtin University, Australia

After graduating from university, Ms. Tsutsui worked for a year as a volunteer Japanese language teaching assistant at an Australian primary school. Since returning to Japan, she has taught English at high school for 16 years. By pursuing her masters of TESOL, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, she would like to review English education in Japan. By learning the latest methodologies and practice, she wants to work on conducting better English education involving other educators. As a 40-year-old mother of three children, she is also ambitious to foster awareness of gender equality in younger generations.

CWAJ Cartier Scholarship
for Japanese Women to Study Abroad

3.0 million yen (Funded by Cartier Japan)


Education: B.A., Faculty of Law, Keio University, Japan

Study Program: M.B.A., University of Chicago Booth School of Business, USA

Ms. Nakano has been accepted to the Chicago Booth M.B.A. program starting in September this year.
Ms. Nakano has spent her career focused on contributing to local economies through business improvement. She is currently working as an advisor for Superavit tax, the company that bought her father’s tax consulting business. She is using her previous experience as a M&A banker to help the post-merger integration and transition of the company. In addition, she provides financial advice to local companies in Chiba and Ibaraki.

Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan (NJG)

CWAJ Graduate Scholarships
for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan (NJG)

2.0 million yen

Areum RYU (Republic of Korea)

Education: B.A., US and International Law, International and Area studies, Handong Global University, Pohang, South Korea;  M.A., International Relations; Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan

 Study Program: Ph.D., International Relations, Grad. School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan
Ms. Ryu has a background in international relations and global trade. She has managed global health and renewable energy projects in the public sector for the past eight years. During the pandemic, she consulted with small and medium enterprises to address the problems caused by a shortage of medical products and disruptions to their supply chains. Through her study on the impact of non-tariff measures (NTM), she plans to collect and analyze the UN’s NTM data, and contribute to transparency and building trust in global trade policy.

CWAJ Cultural Exchange Graduate Scholarship
for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan

2.0 million yen  (Supported by the Japan Foundation)

Sarah SHERWEEDY (Arab Republic of Egypt)

Education: B.A., Japanese language and literature; Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Egypt
M.A., International Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Japan

Study Program: Ph.D., International Japanese Studies, Graduate School of International Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Japan

Ms. Sherweedy focuses her research on literature, recognizing its profound significance in human expression. When translating a work by Dazai Osamu into Arabic, she faced challenges conveying his intricate narrative styles. Her research explores translating Dazai’s works into Arabic and English, analyzing his narration techniques and the influence of traditional Japanese storytelling like Rakugo and Gidayu on his work. Emphasizing Dazai’s role as a storyteller, her aim is to enable more authentic translations, enhance recognition of his influence on the Japanese first-person confessional “I-novel” genre, and advocate for Japanese literature.

CWAJ Scholarship for the Visually Impaired
to Study in Japan (SVI-SJ)

Two scholarships of 1.0 million yen each (Funded by Grandma-Short-Legs)


Education: School of Human Sciences, College of Disability Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
Master’s Program in Disability Sciences, Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Study Program: 
Doctoral Program in Disability Sciences, Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Mr. Kishira is studying technology and environmental changes that reduce the difficulties faced by university students with disabilities. He is working on a doctoral program to explore the elements necessary for group learning that allows equitable participation. His goal is to become a researcher who uses his perspectives and experiences as a person with disabilities to engage in research and practice that helps to eliminate barriers.


Study Program: 3rd year, Environmental Studies, International Christian University, Japan

Ms. Tamaoki is interested in soil, and how it recycles substances from dead organisms to new life. This was triggered by her experience of observing large trees decomposing and returning to the soil in the forest; this made her realize the amazing power of nature.

Now, Ms. Tamaoka would like to study the effects of the types of organic matter and properties of soil on the differences in process and rates of decomposition of leaves, branches and other parts of plants. In the future, she would like to be involved in studies of innovative farming methods that lead to a sustainable way of life.