College Women's Association of Japan
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The 67th CWAJ Print Show Updates

The submission period for the 67th CWAJ Print Show closed on March 29. We are happy to announce that this year, we received 416 submissions, an increase on last year’s 358 entries. The changes implemented to our submissions procedure (a transition from email to online submissions) were a success, with over 95 percent of our artists opting to submit their applications online. We are thrilled with that result! Long hours were spent setting up the new system and transferring data, but the pay-off will mean a reduced workload for volunteers in future and a simpler submission procedure for our artists.

Nevertheless, the submission period is not over yet! We are currently in the process of receiving submissions from our invited artists. At the same time, our Selection Advisory Committee is reviewing the initial artwork submissions to determine which artworks will be selected for inclusion in the 67th CWAJ Print Show. Stay tuned!

Volunteer opportunities: we currently have a vacancy in the Products team, for a Production Coordinator (assisting Chamodi Withana and Michiko Hiramoto). We are also looking for a Volunteer Coordinator, assisting Noriko Noda. Please contact the Print Show Co-Chairs if you can help or would like further information about either of these roles.

Co-chairs: Gemma Fujitani, Anna Said Pullicino, and Yuko Yoneoka
